Friday 30 August 2013

Hate the new Gmail Compose!!!!

Why destroy something, if it works.

This new stupid compose window is geared to idiot hipsters and definately not power users.  The stupid window is smaller and the UI is not intuitive, involving more clicks than ever before.

Google have been stubborn to change, despite  thousands of people complaining on the forums.  The only way to resolve this issue, is to dump gmail as your favorite email client.  If you can tolerate Thunderbird, then the Imap access may be reasonable, otherwise ZOHO MAIL is another solution.

Zoho has the advantage of being linkable with your existing gmail account and it is free.  When sigining up with Zoho, you may see options to pay for hosting, however there is a small option for a FREE
Then it is a simple matter of forwarding your existing gmail mail to Zoho.
The other main advantage of Zoho is the absence of ads, however this may not be anything new if your browser is running adblock.

UPDATE: use oldcompose extension. 

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