Sunday 2 June 2013

Modern Bash Wifi Connection Script for Linux; goodbye network manager

19/10/2013 Update here

This script attempts to semi-automate the wifi connection process from
the command line.  It is intended to be used on a headless / GUI-less machine without the
requirement of typing several commands for a connection.  For instance a Raspberry PI.

It works reasonably well for most applications and can handle ESSID's / passwords with spaces.

Storage of previous connection credentials is in PLAINTEXT as [ESSID].wpa files in the executed directory and in /etc/wpasupplicant.conf.
These .wpa files are used to connect to several different AP's using previously stored info.
Probably a real good idea to stop and other network managing software while running this script, for instance running "airmon-ng check kill" will do a good job.
Also in testing wpa_supplicant does a pretty good job of re-connecting a disassociated link automatically.

Operation is simple.  In the case with Debian it is:
sudo ./ wlan0

Mainly created from a combination of scripts taken from theses two

Feel free to comment or send improvements.

Download from
or below.


# 01/06/2013
# This script attempts to semi-automate the wifi connection process from
# the command line.
# It is intended to be used on a headless machine without the
# requirement of typing several commands for a connection.
# The script stores previous connection credentials in PLAINTEXT as
# *.wpa files in the executed directory and in /etc/wpasupplicant.conf.
# These .wpa files are used to connect to several different ap using
# previously stored info.
# Probably a good idea to stop and other network managing software while
# running this script, also in testing wpa_supplicant does a pretty good
# job of re-connecting a disassociated link automatically.
# Mainly created from a combination of scripts taken from theses two
# sources:
# -script-tested-in-ubuntu-772646/
# old version 01/06/2013
# Copy, Distribute and Modify Freely.


if [ -z "$1" ]; then
printf "Usage: $0 [interface]\n"

if [ "$(id -u)" != "0" ]; then
printf "This script must be run as root\n" 1>&2

# Search for previous saved config files
function read_saved {
# Search for previous wpa configuration files.

# Save and change IFS so spaces in file names are not interpreted as
# separate lines in the array

# Read all file names into an array
# ref:\
# -in-bash.html
# " -printf '%f\n' " removes path info from outputs
# ref:\
# -command-output
SAVED_LIST=($(find . -type f -name "*.wpa" -printf '%f\n'))

# restore ifs

# Tests for number of saved wifi connections, if none exit
if [ -z "${SAVED_LIST[0]}" ]; then
printf "There are no previous saved wifi connections\n\n"
# Create new connection

#PS3 Sets the prompt for the select statement below
PS3="Choose a previously saved wifi connection or 's' to skip: "

#Select one of the previous saved configurations to connect with or quit
select ITEM in "${SAVED_LIST[@]}"; do
# Quit if selected number does not exist or alpha in entered
if [ -z "$ITEM" ] ; then
printf "Skipping\n"

printf "$ITEM is selected\n"
cat "$ITEM">/etc/wpa_supplicant.conf | xargs
connect "$ITEM"

function conf_create (){
# Scans for wifi connections & isolates wifi AP name
eval LIST=( $(iwlist $INT scan 2>/dev/null | awk -F":" '/ESSID/{print $2}') )

#PS3 Sets the prompt for the select statement below
PS3="Choose wifi connection or 'q' to quit: "

# Tests for number of wifi connections, exits if none
if [ -z "${LIST[0]}" ]; then
printf "No available wifi connection using $INT\n"

# Select from a LIST of scanned connections
select ITEM in "${LIST[@]}"; do
ifconfig $INT | grep inet

# Quit if selected number does not exist or alpha in entered
if [ -z "$ITEM" ] ; then
printf "Exiting\n"

# Get user input for passphrase no need to escape spaces
printf "Enter the passphrase for $ITEM?\n"

# Append the ITEM variable (ESSID) to .wpa to make a filename
# for saved configs

# Run wpa_passphrase to generate a file for wpa_supplicant to
# use, store it locally and in etc/wpa_supplicant.conf
printf "Running wpa_passphrase\n"
wpa_passphrase "$ITEM" "$PASSPHRASE" > "$FILENAME" | xargs
cat "$FILENAME">/etc/wpa_supplicant.conf | xargs
printf "Creating new configuration using $ITEM\n"

# Jump to connect function, pass on the ESSID variable for connection
connect $ITEM

function connect (){
printf "Connecting using file $*\n"

# Capture incoming argument

# Kill previous instances of wpa_supplicant to stop other instances
# wpa_supplicant fighting several different AP's
# Kill based on
# ref:
# and
# process-in-one-line-using-bash-and-regex
# Release dhcp ip's and bring down the interface
kill $(ps aux | grep -E '[w]pa_supplicant.*\'$INT'' | awk '{print $2}') 2>/dev/null | xargs
dhclient $INT -r
ifconfig $INT down

# Assign new credentials to interface
iwconfig $INT mode managed essid "$ESSID"
printf "Configured interface $INT; ESSID is $ESSID\n"
ifconfig $INT up
printf "Interface $INT is up\n"
wpa_supplicant -B -Dwext -i$INT -c/etc/wpa_supplicant.conf 2>/dev/null | xargs
printf "wpa_supplicant running, sleeping for 15...\n"

# Wait to connect before asking for a ip address
sleep 15
printf "Running dhclient\n"
dhclient $INT

# Show current ip for interface
ifconfig $INT | grep inet

function clean_slate (){
# Optional Clean Slate commands, it is recommended that you perform
# a "airmon-ng check kill" to ensure that any other network managers
# do not intefere with the connection process

printf "It is recommended that you perform a \"airmon-ng check kill\" once to ensure that any other network managers do not interfere with the connection process\n"

# Untested, airmon-ng check kill works better here
# service network-manager stop 2>/dev/null >/dev/null
# service avahi-daemon stop 2>/dev/null >/dev/null
# sleep 10
# killall wpa_supplicant 2>/dev/null
# ifconfig $INT up

# Start here


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